C Program to Find Substring Of String Without Using Library Function !!! - String Programs - c4learn這本是歡樂沙灘之行,沙灘、海水、晚風、圓月,美景當前,夥伴們挖洞、蓋沙,但一男子“玩”大了,他把自己“妥妥”地埋在了沙中。可這時,海水開始一步步地逼近,他深陷沙灘中無法“自拔”。 日前,正在休整的前埔消防中隊官兵接C Program to find whether entered string is substring or not without using library function. Program is explained in detail. Sub String can be found using while loop. ... Explanation Of Program : If you look at the above program then you will find this pr...