C Program to Find Substring Of String Without Using Library Function !!! - String Programs - c4learn問:我租屋旁頑皮的小朋友用水槍射我 我是否可以告他蓄意謀殺? 答:先確認水槍內是否有裝子彈 (水),否則在法律上只能算恐嚇。 問:假如我戴隱形眼鏡的話,可以看到即時通上面隱藏的朋友嗎? 答:一般隱型眼鏡沒有這種功用,不過小筆電有朋友在做這種隱形眼鏡,價格約比一般型的型的C Program to find whether entered string is substring or not without using library function. Program is explained in detail. Sub String can be found using while loop. ... Explanation Of Program : If you look at the above program then you will find this pr...