把 6 歲兒當牛郎養 18 歲辣媽還「喇舌」!
Switch - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 跟大家介紹日本的一則怪事,日本一名自稱永遠 18 歲的日本辣媽「紫帆」,是個育有 1 子 1 女的年輕金髮辣妹,但卻把 6 歲的兒子「琉雅」打造成牛郎的樣子,不僅染了一頭金髮、畫上超細眉毛,還擦上黑色指甲油。她還被踢爆常帶兒子上牛郎店見習,且平常暱稱兒子為「親愛的」,甚至還上傳和兒子的「喇舌」照!In the simplest case, a switch has two conductive pieces, often metal, called contacts, connected to an external circuit, that touch to complete (make) the circuit, and separate to open (break) the circuit. The contact material is chosen for its resistanc...