為何這些妹子都喜歡穿成這樣?背後的原因令我傻眼了!沒想到竟然是因為.... (已羨慕那邊的男生)
Convert VB.NET to C# - A free code conversion tool - developer Fusion 看完照片後小編終於恍然大悟!!我一直奇怪宅男們為什麼迷戀越南妹,直到看完這組圖片,我完全懂了! 圖anyelse 下同 由於越南這邊比較熱(南越),許多女生都喜歡做清涼的打扮, 北越的話聽說天氣跟台灣差不多,女生也相對保守(北越姑娘說的)。在街上常常可以看到越妹穿背心、低胸、Free online conversion utility to automatically convert your VB.NET code into C# - and straight back again. ... Your source code is safe We do not permanently store any code submitted via this utility - the data you submit is kept only long enough to conv...