Comparison of C Sharp and Visual Basic .NET - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia▲小七店員不可以這樣罵人吧!?(source:Dcard、google map) 中文字博大精深,常常有雙關的運用或者同音不同字的問題,而這樣的狀況也常常鬧出不少笑話來,日前一名網友在Dcard表示自己才剛下飛機,妹妹馬上淡定的跟他講:「我今天在超商被人家罵小賤貨,而且我還說對...」網友一聽到馬上Language history [edit] C# and VB.NET are syntactically very different languages with very different history. As the name suggests, the C# syntax is based on the core C programming language originally developed by Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs (AT&T) in the...