c++ - Can I use break to exit multiple nested for loops? - Stack Overflow10.裡蓮華 使用者:李洛克難易等級:A 華麗等級:★★★★ 實用等級:★★★☆ 威力等級:★★★☆ 洛克李的八門遁甲開啟三門後使用的高級體術,是一種對手碰到碰不到的高速連續強力攻擊,甚至可以踩著空氣在天上飛來飛去,最後一擊將對手頭部朝地面打去,與地面相撞產Other languages such as PHP accept a parameter for break (i.e. break 2;) to specify the amount of nested loop levels you want to break out of, C++ however doesn't. You will have to work it out by using a boolean that you set to false prior to the loop, se...