黑與白的反襯 重新蛻變 - Publish Brand“Lost Control”
Special Offers on RAD Studio Delphi and C++Builder 為慶祝 Publish Brand 受邀與 Vans OTW 合作靴款 Breton Boot SE 的完美出現,Publish Brand 特以全新系列 “Lost Control” (失控),表達 Publish Brand 的歡慶之意,並以此完整詮釋 Publish Special upgrade offer for owners of XE2 and earlier! With the purchase of an Update Subscription, you can save up to 45% off the regular price of XE8! How to qualify for the upgrade price of XE8 and save up to 45%: Registered users of RAD Studio, Delphi o...