c++ delay

Time Delay in C++ - NEWTON Ask a Scientist at Argonne National Labs!   真搞不懂男生有什麼資格嫌??有本事自己也去做看看啊! 我們完全支持妳!不用怕別人怎麼說,有多少女生肯做這個,妳很棒了~祝你趕快放棄妳男友!     ------------------------靠北男友原文:是,我是來靠北男友外加瞧不起女生做這工作的自以為是低能There are several approaches to a time delay. The simplest, easiest, and least reliable is to do a series of nested loops, for example: int x,y; for(x = 0; x 2000; x++) { for(y = 0; y 2000000; y++) { } } Then adjust x and y until the time is about right....


how to make a time delay of a few second - C++ Forum老派的男人有時自有一番魅力,而某些被視作「老派約會」的舉動,往往是當代人覺得難為情或不必要的環節。 例如說,有次我在倫敦跟幾個朋友一起吃飯,席間有一位50幾歲長得像柯林弗斯的大叔眼見我正要入座,立馬站起準備幫我拿大衣,各位也知道,我們這種來自台灣自詡為新時代獨立自主的女性,什麼都自己來,遇上這種摸門Denis (350) Sorry for late reply #include inline void mySleep(clock_t sec) // clock_t is a like typedef unsigned int clock_t. Use clock_t instead of integer in this context {clock_t start_time = clock(); clock_t end_time = sec * 1000 + start_time while(c...


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