c++ get set methods

Classes and get/set methods - C++ Forum - cplusplus.com - The C++ Resources Network請等等~這一定是誤會~Classes and get/set methods Classes and get/set methods hagfish88 (20) Ok so im having some problems with this program that uses classes and methods. instead of comments that say set the first/last/subject for paper1 should there be some kind of module .....


c++ - Which method is better for implementing get/set? - Stack Overflow悟道中~請勿打擾XDDDWhich method is better for implementing get/set? up vote 15 down vote favorite 1 There are two methos for implementing get/set. ... Generate set/get methods for a c++ class 0 Help with Linked list functions…overloaded stream op and get and set functions 0...


Generate set/get methods for a c++ class - Stack Overflow這是哪宮的妃子?XDDDDc++ class methods get set share | improve this question edited Jun 10 '10 at 6:10 asked Jun 5 '10 at 17:21 Narek ... Java “Get” and “Set” Methods 1 JavaScript get/set methods vs. standard methods-1 Set & Get methods - Java-1 Java set and get 0 Hot Network...


Generated C++ Get/Set Methods - ASN.1 / XML Software Tools from Objective Systems超萌「打鼓妹」網路爆紅! 網友驚呼:秒殺奶茶妹For C++, methods are generated to assist the user in getting, setting, or querying the choice construct variable. These methods are of the form get_elemName, set_elemName, and is_elemName where elemName would be replaced with the name of the element....
