C++ add, delete, list and modify using binary file ".dat" - C++ forum - developer FusionQ:我每次想學 A 片那樣把女生抱起來幹,使盡吃奶力氣都無法成功,他們是不是有特別練過? 如果你的性伴侶是個嬌小瘦弱的女孩,那麼抱著賣「火車便當」應該不是難事,如果她份量不輕,那可得小心扭到腰或傷了膝蓋。 基本上除了腰力要好,兩個人的姿勢配合也相當重要,你可以試著先把她挪到床邊,從正面插入後,讓她的Hello, Do anyone know how to create a binary file ".dat"? I know how to use the C Programming to do it, but for C++ I have no ideal. Do anyone have the C++ program source code which able to add, delete, list and modify in the binary file ".dat"? Thank you...