setfill - C++ Reference - cplusplus.com - The C++ Resources Network 補教名師陳子璇的校花女兒,南港高中二年級的陳思妤,先前參與與媽媽一同參加電視節目的錄影,連主持人納豆也忍不住稱讚:「超電的!太可愛了,以前在學校最受不了這種的。」長相甜美,才藝雙全的思妤,不只會長笛吹奏,也擅長烘焙,還曾一次吸引超過20人的追求。 除了享受與家人相處的幸福,也希望能學習自我獨立的生Sets c as the stream's fill character. Behaves as if member fill were called with c as argument on the stream on which it is inserted as a manipulator (it can be inserted on output streams). This manipulator is declared in header . Parameters c The new fi...