c7 chord wiki

Dominant seventh chord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   檢查完隨身行李,正要過海關,迎面來了一個移民署官員。   移民署:小姐,請問你們是雙胞胎嗎?   我:對啊   移民署:請問你們願不願意幫國家一個忙?   移民署:我們要測試海關人員,你們可以交換護照通關嗎?   我:你是認真的?不是This basic dominant seventh chord is useful to composers because it contains both a major triad and the interval of a tritone. The major triad confers a very "strong" sound. The tritone is created by the co-occurrence of the third degree and seventh degre...


Chord (music) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia怎麼樣剪指甲可以讓指甲不亂蹦   我們通常用指甲刀剪指甲,雖然靠的紙簍足夠近但是剪下來的指甲還是會亂蹦。這裡我教大家一個小竅門,簡單有效! 工具 1.指甲刀 2.膠帶 3.剪刀(可有可無)   步驟 1.剪斷一塊膠帶。   2.將剪下的膠帶條粘在指甲刀的側面。 &nbsChords can be represented in various ways. The most common notation systems are: [7] Plain staff notation, used in classical music Roman numerals, commonly used in harmonic analysis to denote the scale step on which the chord is built. [6] Figured bass, m...


Music Theory/Complete List of Chord Patterns - Wikibooks, open books for an open world澳洲公司用各國美食製作誘人國旗   說到法國美食,很多人可能會想起奶酪和葡萄酒,而提起義大利烹飪,很多人立刻會想到披薩,至於印度菜品,大多數人的第一反應是咖哩。不過,可能很多人沒有想到的是用各國的食物來製作國旗。但澳大利亞一家公司就用與各國相關的食物,製作出了17面不同國家的“It's worth mentioning that you might hear some people (usually rock guitarists) call fifth chords 'power chords'. 9th, 11th, and 13th chords [edit] 7th chords can be extended to 9th, 11 and 13th chords. If you have a C7 (C dominant seventh), then the corr...


Guitar/Open Chords - Wikibooks, open books for an open world雌雄難辨:服裝設計師既扮公主又演王子   畢業於洛杉磯服裝設計與營銷學院的Richard Schaefer是一名非常有才華的服裝設計師,同時他也是迪斯尼童話故事角色的超級粉絲,於是他花了大量的時間來製作現實版的公主裝和王子裝。 這位年輕的迪斯尼服裝製作者在外貌上頗有雌雄同體的特色,這一點他Open chords are chords that are played using only the first three frets of the guitar. Open chords contain one or more open strings. For example the Em chord diagram on this page shows 4 open strings but the D major chord diagram only has 1 open string. T...
