確定不是Toyota Raize 和泰國產小休旅另有其人
M249 SAW - Battlefield Wiki - Wikia就在和泰總經理「即將於2020年推出一款國產小型SUV」的一席話,以及國內媒體們「三人成虎」的傳聞效應下,在今年10月東京車展上所發表的Toyota Raize,意外引發了台灣媒體與消費者的矚目,認為此車款即是和泰蘇總口中的那部國產小型休旅車。但如今答案正式揭曉,Raize確定不是此車款,當然也更不The M249 SAW/LMG is the US produced version of the Belgian-made FN Minimi. The M249 uses the... ... The Tier 1 Elite M249 is a weapon featured in Battlefield Heroes that was added in the Medal of Honor event, and acts as the close range machine gun varian...