Cafe Mio - Local Fare Restaurant in Gardiner NY有位夫子帶著弟子到郊外去尋訪作詩的題材,在路邊看到一塊人骨,他撿起來叫學生到街上買個甕,裝好並加以埋藏。當天夜裡,他聽到叩門聲,問:「是誰?」對方答道:「我是妃。」他好奇的開門,進來了一位自稱是楊貴妃的美女她說:「謝謝您讓我不致暴屍野外,今夜讓我以身相許,報答您的恩情。」溫存了一夜,天亮時,這女子便Welcome to Cafe Mio! We are proud to be offering the freshest local fare of the Hudson Valley, something that is at the core of our food philosophy. Cafe Mio is also pleased to announce that we are now serving beer and wine. Please explore our menu and co...