Calvin Klein 將換帥,Steve Shiffman 接手
Nano - Calc [Piano Live Version] - YouTube Calvin Klein 首席執行官Tom Murry 近日決定在2015 財年結束時退休,現任總裁兼首席商務官Steve Shiffman 將接替這一職務。現年63 歲的Tom Murry 在任期內大幅提升了品牌銷售收入,然而近來身體狀況欠佳讓這位為Calvin Klein 征戰17 年的老帥萌Album : Nanoir Lyrics: When we grow apart it's destiny it's just how it was supposed to be but I know that I'm not strong enough to accept that so easily Each and every single answer that comes my way are sold at too high a price for me to pay they rob me...