Non-calcified nodule? - Lung Cancer Forum - Cancer Forums 最近,看到很多新聞: 武漢娶老婆花費成本增加到30萬 在北京娶一個老婆沒有100萬免談…… 很多男性朋友看到都義憤填膺了 覺得女人就是愛錢勢利眼 其實,有些話 不知道該不該說 如果真要算起賬來 女人當老婆要花費的錢 是多少呢? 一I am a 38 year old female, went to see the doctor about some pain in my side and some shortness of breath. I was told after a CT scan that I had a 4mm non-calcified nodule in the bottom of my right lung. I was told to repeat the scan in 2 months. I did so...