吃素妹誤吞了男友的_!大哭:這樣算不算破戒 真相讓人大驚
Non-calcified nodule? - Lung Cancer Forum - Cancer Forums最近因為天氣比較冷的關係...我開始大魚大肉,完全沒在減肥的狀態...發誓等到天氣一邊暖就馬上開始吃素!!其實身邊吃素的人真的蠻多的...像我爸媽和奶奶...也是因為身體的關係,所以比較喜歡吃素食..但是ptt上有一位網友eji5m卻發生了一件比較尷尬的事....然後提了一個讓全世界的人都值得思考的I am a 38 year old female, went to see the doctor about some pain in my side and some shortness of breath. I was told after a CT scan that I had a 4mm non-calcified nodule in the bottom of my right lung. I was told to repeat the scan in 2 months. I did so...