How to Calculate the Time Difference in Excel | eHow ▲二女開始拉扯。(source:youtube,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 由於中國人口相當多,種族性也相當多元,俗話說人多的地方必出事,這句話說的一點也不錯。也造成大家對於中國所發生的奇聞軼事總是覺得百般新鮮,雖然每次看了都覺得很扯,可是下一次發生的事件只有更扯沒有最扯! 根據yAn employee comes to you to complain that her hours are incorrect. Upon review, you realize you calculated her hours incorrectly. You can enter the times in Microsoft Excel and calculate the difference between the times accurately. You can enter time usin...