經典visvim 2014春夏 FBT SASHIKO 鞋款
CaliBowl- Amazing Suction Bowls | Bowl With Lip | Bowl With Lid | Non Spill Bowl | No Spill Bowls 2014年春夏系列當中,街頭品牌 visvim 的 FBT鞋款,也推出最新的FBT SASHIKO 鞋款,同樣在材質的選用上相當用心,包括英國製造的高規格麂皮、義大利黃金大底 Vibram midsole 等細節,多種配色一次收錄。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSGet the same no-spill functionality of the CaliBowl with a suction foot. It's a perfect feature for your toddler learning to self-feed. The suction foot keeps the bowl put, making it one less thing for your little one to worry about! The suction foot and ...