HONDA FIT 將於日本推出小改款
CaliBurger | SmartShanghai Volvo 中大型休旅XC60 在睽違市場9年後,也在今年日內瓦車展上登場,而業者也表示最快將在今年第四季導入販售,預估入門售價將從198萬價格起跳。而Volvo XC60在改款後,預計將採SPA模組化底盤架構打造,車體鋼材更以高強度打造,讓車輛的安全性系數更提升。 除I was on my Facebook page the other day and my sister posted a photo of an IN-N-OUT Burger and fries which I shared. Another friend of mine who is back in San Diego but spent 2 years in Shanghai gave me a link to CaliBurger and told me it was a knock-off ...