calm down and carry on

Keep Calm and Carry On - Wikipedia   如果你看錯,不用罰站了 因為已經站滿了XD          Keep Calm and Carry On (平静を保ち、普段の生活を続けよ)とは、イギリス政府が第二次世界大戦の直前に、開戦した場合のパニックや戦局が悪化した場合の混乱に備えて作成した、国民の士気を維持するための宣伝ポスターである。...


Mississippi Police Chief comes down hard on open carry laws after Walmart shotgun incident   昔日玉女熟奶大解放,林志玲、侯佩岑都相繼接下內衣代言,出道至今第一次展現內在美!不過在國人心中究竟誰比較美?根據波仕特線上市調網調查結果顯示,62.2%的國人認為「林志玲」比較美,支持「侯佩岑」比較美則相對只有占37.8%的數據,可以看出以模特兒身分出身的志玲姐姐,在國人心中相對來說Have a group of "Open Carry " gals and guys, white and black, and Native American and Chinese American, and a Persian guy, or Middle Eastern Representative, meet in the parking lot, empty their chambers, notify the media, notify the local and state police...

全文閱讀 Natural Vitality Natural Calm Raspberry Lemon 16 oz: Health & Personal Care    我都不知道妙麗妳.. 原來你也會橡膠"骨氣球"!!   XDNatural Calm Raspberry Lemon by Natural Vitality 16 oz Powder Natural Calm Raspberry Lemon 16 oz Powder Product Millions have experienced the stress relief and health benefits Natural Calm The Anti-Stress Drink can provide. Its natures way of restoring ba...


As Riots Follow Freddie Gray's Death in Baltimore, Calls for Calm Ring Hollow - The Atlantic愛搶鏡頭的人們常常看到,不過你有看過那些愛搶鏡頭的動物嘛? 重點是,他們還可能搶到最重要的畫面阿!!               你這鬥牛犬,瞪什麼瞪!(怒...) 你想要拍特寫可以商量阿,不用這時候跑出來嘛~!   &Rioting broke out on Monday in Baltimore—an angry response to the death of Freddie Gray, a death my native city seems powerless to explain. Gray did not die mysteriously in some back alley but in the custody of the city's publicly appointed guardians of o...
