IQaudIO Pi-DAC 24/192 DAC for Raspberry Pi 韓國整容技術世界首屈一指,成為許多人出國整形的首選國家。許多人到診所直接就點名要整成少女時代或Big Bang,在韓國不分男女,整形就像是全民運動,許多大學生畢業後第一份禮物,就是父母出錢送子女去「修修臉」 。而韓國女星整容已經不是稀罕事了,當紅女子組合「少女時代」也不例外。無圖無真相,所以接下來I read about this i2s daughter board DAC on the Squeezeplug support pages the other day and I just got round to seeing what it was all about. The IQaudIO Pi-DAC 24/192 DAC is similar to the Wolfson Audio card in that it's a daughter board, the difference ...