Femto DAC by Calyx | Magazine Hifi女:“只要有錢,我嫁給誰都行。”男:“銀行的保險櫃你嫁嗎?” 爭吵的時候,男人和女人的區別就像是手槍和機關槍的區別。我妻子想減肥,所以她每天都去騎馬。結果馬一個月之中瘦了四十斤。病人:“醫生,你把剪刀留在我肚子裡了。”The remote can control volume, input selection, phase rotation and the three digital filters, but I didn’t see a dimmer control. Those who judge quality by weight will approve of the Femto DAC. It’s not overly heavy, at about 18.5 kilograms, but it is com...