Toyota Camry Hybrid - Toyota - Automotive ◎窩心女人男生感到窩心的事:1.在朋友面前很給他面子2.像小孩子般對他撒嬌3.對他很放心,不要一天到晚疑神疑鬼4.常稱讚他的優點,把他當成妳的英雄5.親手做一些點心或小禮物,讓他的朋友羡慕6.穿著他喜歡的衣服樣式,做他欣賞的打扮7.聽他說話時,會一副很崇拜他的樣子8.就算有別人追求或看見帥哥時,都i am forced to drive the hybrid camry at work and its horrible... ok not much is gunna match my (4 door) alfa 156 v6, but a few things... 1) slow accelerator response to the point where city over taking is sketchy... 2) seriously bad steering wheel feel, ...