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TypeRacer - Official Site1、自然2、狡猾3、強吻4、詢問5、溫柔   6、意外7、偷親8、主動 圖片來源:偉大的安妮The award-winning online typing competition, TypeRacer, is the best free typing game in the world. Race against live opponents typing quotes from books, movies, and songs. ... typeracer – the global typing competition Increase your typing speed while raci...


Can an Algorithm Write a Better News Story Than a Human Reporter? | WIRED   小編精選!! 數十萬人都在看的熱門好文章~~ 不看太可惜!!  ★大發現!!!原來「12生肖」這些時間出生命最好…!!難怪了… ★原來旺夫的女人長這樣!!妳符合了幾條呢?? ★準到閃尿!!五分鐘就知道你愛的人是誰!太可怕了!! ★「林志穎」美麗妹Extra! Extra! AI software takes over sports reporting and financial journalism! Humans panicked! ... Can an Algorithm Write a Better News Story Than a Human Reporter? Illustration: Mark Allen Miller Had Narrative Science — a company that trains computers ...


Data - Memory Alpha, the Star Trek Wiki 今天美胸主題事業線一直是主流的美女特徵!也許是因為裸露這個地方是比較不過有過度色情的限制,越來越多內衣還有一種可以讓胸部雙峰更緊密的設計,前提只要乳量夠....要夾出明顯的事業線都是非常簡單的XD 胸部乳量大不一定性感,但是如果能夠夾出深厚的事業線那真的是性感加倍,那種夾緊的直覺感應該是男人們無法Data demonstrates his flotation capabilities Data was "designed to serve as a flotation device in the event of a water landing", though once before 2370 he had to walk 1.46 kilometers underwater because he didn't "have enough buoyancy to get back to the s...
