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Sync two iPhones on one computer - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech nYahoo奇摩購物中心服務再升級,今日宣布擴大無卡分期版圖!自去年6月正式推出無卡分期至今,持續擴大服務品類、優化消費體驗,創下2018年業績累積破億的佳績。秉持「好的生活,真的不貴」的品牌精神,Yahoo奇摩購物中心拓展無卡分期服務,攜手中租與車博資訊,共推「外匯車」無卡分期服務,升級消費者網購體Learn how to share a computer between two iOS devices while keeping your content separate and private. ... This is why people jailbreak their i-devices, cause Apple software is complete trash FYI you can always use dropbox or ssh ( with software like iexp...