Can You Believe It? | Oxford University Press 看我洗澡啊記得要硬啊混蛋 跟我一起曬衣服啊混蛋 跟我一起刷豆瓣扮路人偷著樂啊混蛋 週末一起逛超市大採購啊混蛋 有人不同意記得要用力反抗拐走我啊混蛋 為了我要變浪漫也要變勇敢啊混蛋 情侶電話沒有也要有情Join the Oxford Teachers' Club for free access to the Can You Believe It? website, which offers quizzes and answer keys for each level. Can You Believe It? includes: We have 1 Can You Believe It? 1 titles out of 3 titles across the whole Can You Believe I...