天啊帥爆了!巴西地鐵警衛比男模還hot!根本引誘人犯罪│Marie Claire 美麗佳人
Can You RUN It | Can I run that game | Game system requirements圖、文/美麗佳人 不說還以為是Calvin Klein在巴西地鐵站裡拍新一季的廣告呢!但仔細一瞧,這名身穿黑色制服、防彈背心、佩帶警棍的帥氣男子還真的是地鐵警衛。他是Guilherme Leão,今年22歲,在巴西聖保羅的地鐵站工作,結實的六塊肌和迷死人的笑容都令路過女性乘客無不心兒蹦... s minimum requirements is challenging and combining those tasks together is almost impossible for mere mortals. But Can You RUN It does this millions of times every month. See for yourself, takes less than a ......