為了Pikes Peak賭上一切重傷也不能阻止車主的挑戰
save - definition of save by The Free Dictionary圖片來源:HIRANO 看到綠色就會想到復仇者聯盟的綠巨人浩克,當情緒感覺到憤怒時,就會變身為充滿力量的綠色巨人,壓倒性的力量也是復仇者聯盟中數一數二的,也是因為如此這輛在Pikes Peak賽事中跌落山下的EVO,車主選擇綠色作為重生後的車輛塗裝色。 每年在美國獨立建念日前後時間,在Colsave 1 (sāv) v. saved, sav·ing, saves v.tr. 1. a. To rescue from harm, danger, or loss: The lifeguard saved the struggling swimmer. b. To prevent from dying: The doctors saved the patient. c. To set free from the consequences of sin; redeem: prayed to sav...