Marriage at Cana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 瑞士蘇黎世妓女離開了街道,客人們只能去位於城郊的工業區,只放車的地兒惠顧了~ 為了清理城中心街道的妓女和更好的保護和控制她們,蘇黎世的妓女們將於下周一在城郊的性車庫工作。這些我們所知的性盒子,有著車庫的外表,它位於工業區,由一個在歐洲對於賣淫區的特殊符號,紅色的雨傘指示著。 這個措施是賣淫法修訂的In Christianity, the transformation of water into wine at the Marriage at Cana or Wedding at Cana is the first miracle of Jesus in the Gospel of John.[1][2] In the biblical account, Jesus and his mother are invited to a marriage, and when the wine runs ou...