Home - Canary Wharf 話說, 相信許多人都有過這樣的經歷: 第一次到約會對象家中,可好死不死突然屎意滿滿, 有的人,會為了擔心異味啊,屁聲啊等等,選擇忍住, 但也有的人,會因為實在憋不住了,放臀一拉。 今天要說的這個妹子,同樣遇到了這樣的窘境, 從結果來看,這泡沒能忍住的屎最終引發了一場慘案&hellipA beautiful and modern part of London, Canary Wharf’s iconic skyline is an integral part of the landscape, with the … ... A beautiful and modern part of London, Canary Wharf’s iconic skyline is an integral part of the landscape, with the addition of Cross...