男女在發展進一步關係前千萬要先做「這8件事」!光是第一件就戳中99 情侶要害!這太恐怖了!
Candy Crush Saga - Official Site 翻攝三九養生堂、gzhphb 無論你們打算結婚或同居,在彼此關係更進一步之前,我們都期望未來的每一天都能因為有彼此而幸福,然而有些時候經過真正共同相處,才會發現原來心愛那個他很多地方和自己想像的不一樣,為了儘可能避免這樣的事發生,在關係更一進步前,最好能夠更深入了解彼此、看見對方最好Join Tiffi and Mr. Toffee in their sweet adventure through the wonderful Candy Kingdom. Switch and match your way through hundreds of levels in this delicious puzzle adventure. Isn't it the sweetest game ever? Take on this deliciously sweet saga alone or ...