canon 1vhs : Satechi Bluetooth 4.0 Smart Trigger (A) Wireless Timer Remote Control Shutter for Canon  示意圖 圖源   有時候,男生朋友會互相傳一些有的沒的照片和影片,注意,這些東西可能會讓你感情破裂!有個網友上傳一段行車記錄器錄下的對話,一個女生的男友在開車時收到朋友傳來的大胸部照片,她就問「那誰?」男友不當一回事,淡定地說「母災(不知道)」,他接著不停地對這張照片品頭論足The Smart Trigger is a fully functional wireless timer remote designed to be controlled from your iPhone, iPad, or compatible Android device. Use the Smart Trigger app to control your DSLR camera with three unique shooting modes. Bluetooth Smart The Smart...


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全文閱讀 : Canon TC-80N3 Timer Remote Controller for EOS 10D, 20D, 30D, 40D, 50D, 7D, 6D, 5D, 1D, 年底前最後一波優惠 入主三芒星最佳時機    Mercedes-Benz挾新世代豪華小車A-Class發表之勢,於上月成功炒熱全台銷售熱潮、展間賞車人潮絡繹不絕。全新A-Class改款後不僅維持誘人的價格競爭力,更以動感的造型、更為強悍的性能與豪華升級的配備項目,再次強化車系戰Ideal for time-lapse photography including blooming flowers and astrophotography Remote switch with a 2.6-foot cord Self-timer, interval timer, long-exposure timer and exposure-count setting features Easily enter the numeric settings with a single thumb L...


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Helios 44-2 Russian lens for Canon EOS | 本文轉載自 ---------------------------------------作者  kurtc (夏日的誤會)     &nNEW ARRIVAL on 03/13/2015 1) Helios 40-2 lens for Canon EOS - New 2) Zenitar 16 lens fisheye for Canon EOS - New 3) Jupiter 37A 135mm Tele Lens M42 - Exc 4) Industar 61LZ macro lens for Nikon - Exc 5) Zenitar 1,7/50mm lens M42 - Exc 6) Mir-1v wide ......
