Canon EOS REBEL T2i / 550D Firmware Update第三件事,小孩做了一個非常簡單的動作。嘿嘿...... 成年人看完後,卻怎麼也模仿不了...只能把車子留下了!! 你知道小孩做了什麼嗎?嘿嘿,一般人想不到的。 第三件事,小孩掏出小JJ彎了三下! 而成年人摸完美女後,卻怎麼也彎不下來了!!! 你猜對了嗎???How do I update the firmware? These are two ways to update the camera's firmware. Download the firmware file from this web site and install the update as shown in the updating procedure. Bring the camera to a Canon Customer Support Center and have the ......