canon 7d iso test

Canon 7D vs Nikon D300s ISO Test - Photography Bay – Digital Camera News, Reviews and Tips只要在回應時打這些符號,就會變成可愛圖示囉! 不過注意只有評論時會出現唷^_^ Haha, i love it.. Despite the proof that canon did a better job with noise some people just can’t accept it.. I remember just a few weeks ago people saying “Ohh canon is on a megapixel war, and the noise is gonna be reaaaaly crappy compared to my Nikon (f...


Oh Boy, the Canon 7D Mark II handles Hi-ISO Like a CHAMP!!! Test Photos and Video - YouTube或者把頭低下來看也可以~~ Click Here to download the FULL RES jpegs from straight out of the camera. This is a PRE Review of the Canon 7d mark II. The "Real World" review is on it's way and will be to you very very soon. I just took the cam...


Oh Boy, the Canon 7D Mark II handles Hi-ISO Like a CHAMP!!! Test Photos and Video | Fro Knows Photo你想當有錢人還是窮人? Oh Boy, the Canon 7D Mark II handles Hi-ISO Like a CHAMP!!! Test Photos and Video This is a PRE Review of the Canon 7d mark II. The “Real World” review is on it’s way and will be to you very very soon. I just took the camera out for its first spin at a Pe...
