canon 7d vs 60d比較

Nikon D7000 Vs.Canon 60D Vs. Canon 7D - Dan Carr PhotographyHot on the heels of Canon’s 60D announcement, Nik […] ... Lens micro-adjustment Micro adjustment is a feature that allows you to make minute adjustments to the autofocus system to tailor each of your lenses to your particular camera....


DCView 數位視野 - 文章總覽 - Canon EOS-60D - 評測 #1 外觀操作篇Canon EOS-60D - 評測 #1 外觀操作篇 其實筆者之前還以為不會有60D的出現,不過和50D推出時間相隔兩年之後的最近,60D終於現身,這代兩位數機身到底帶來多少的進步?和前代50D或者是550D甚至是7D來比較又是差在那邊?...


Canon 60D Vs 7D - Dan Carr Photography偉大的祖國,養育出一群偉大的人民。強大的中國人,撼動了全世界的眼球。地球人已經阻止不了中國人了,看看這些作品,全世界都笑了! 山寨無敵,一台頂N台,真正的神之利器來了   菊花味口渴可樂   肯德基老爺爺終於找到了失散多年的老伴 找亮點:聽說這是個名牌,估計效果很不錯哦 &nbsBrowsing some websites and forums this morning I noticed a lot of discussion about the new Canon 60D and how it compares with the 7D. I can understand this, at first glance it might seem like the 60D has made the 7D somewhat obsolete but that really is no...
