canon d20 : Canon PowerShot D30 Waterproof Digital Camera, Blue : Camera & Photo 就是這種下場...The Canon Power Shot D30 waterproof camera is the ideal choice for intrepid types who often find themselves outdoors, underwater or in extreme situations. Currently the camera with the world's deepest waterproof performance, the Power Shot D30 dives to a ...


機長私藏-RIMOWA出租/防水相機出租/國外衛星導航出租/旅遊精品租賃 製造雙峰超傲人不用去整了!XD機長私藏-主要針對偶爾才出國一趟的旅者,提供相關的旅遊物品出租服務,目前提供租借的品項有RIMOWA行李箱、高階防水相機、高容量記憶卡、國外衛星導航、無線電對講機、無線分享器、萬用轉接插座…等。一站式完整服務,輕鬆搞定旅遊大小事。...


PowerShot D20 Canon Australia   為什麼,我的iPhone開了飛行模是從四樓丟下去還是碎了!Custom-built, waterproof camera for spectacular underwater photography. The PowerShot D20 is second generation in the D-series. A compact digital camera built for spectacular underwater photography up to 10m. The sturdy body structure is built to endure a...


Canon D20 waterproof camera review | Cameralabs   堆雪人算什麼,大哥我堆一輛車給你啊!Looking for a waterproof camera review? Find out in my Canon D20 review if it's the best underwater camera! ... For action in the water and in other demanding environments where framing can be a challenge I think this is a good range to work with....
