上班時間去衝浪 直擊Patagonia紐約Bowery店的一日生活
Amazon.com : Canon EF 50mm f/1.2 L USM Lens for Canon Digital SLR Cameras : Camera Lenses : Camera & 如果你還坐在辦公室感嘆大好天氣,不用懷疑,就拿著衝浪板出門吧!因為在Patagonia真的可以做到。前段時間才在紐約Bowery開幕的Patagonia,是品牌首度於東岸開設的衝浪主題店。秉持品牌創辦人「員工可以隨時去衝浪」(Let my people go surfing.)的精神,趁機與衝浪部The Canon EF 50mm f/1.2L USM lens is a peerless standard lens for Canon digital SLR cameras. The lens is suitable for any shooting situation, with a lens coating and construction type that are optimized to minimize the ghosting and flare that frequently o...