Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L USM Lens Review - The-Digital-Picture.com features Canon DSLR Camera and Len 性愛是件美妙的事情,不但我們人類知道,動物也懂得享受性愛。下面小編就帶大家看看那些“不知羞恥”,在大庭廣眾之下做羞羞的事的動物們。擦亮你的眼睛喲,因為最後會亮瞎你的鈦合金狗眼!!! 1、羞羞中的大象,你們看到周圍圍觀的人類了嗎? 2、羞羞前的長頸鹿The Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L USM Lens is arguably Canon's best value "L" Lens, combining professional grade build and optical qualities. Though solidly built, the 70-200 f/4 L is relatively light (25 oz / 705g). Actually it is very light and small compared...