好好愛自己吧! 直到你累了,懂了以後才明白
Metabones creates second-generation Canon EF to Sony NEX 'Smart Adapter': Digital Photography Review 兩個人由手牽手同遊一條街,到各自回到屬於自己的世界,是什麼樣的一種寂寞呢?愛了,傷了,痛了,哭了,累了,也懂了,或許這就是多數人的戀愛經歷,懵懵懂懂地闖入愛情的世界裡,以為那裡會是個絕對幸福的國度,後來卻也為愛情搞得遍體鱗傷,才知道愛情並不是那麼的簡單, 絕對幸福的國度是愛情的終點,在 那以前的旅I received the updated Metabones EF adapter yesterday. My initial impression is very favorable. Build quality is comparable to Zeiss. Aperture and IS works perfect. Manuel focus is easy and precise except with Zeiss E lens. I tried 4 Canon lens so far and...