雙B全球銷量較勁 BMW略遜一籌
Canon EOS 1100D + 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS II: Review BMW和Benz一直都是車市上的競爭對手,隨著2016上半年銷量成績出爐。根據外電報導,Benz上半年的全球銷量達117萬,成長幅度為12%,排名第一。 而BMW的銷量雖然是114萬輛,與Benz差距不大,但成長率卻不到6%,而第三名Audi的銷量數字是111萬部、成長率為5.2%。 It's only really in the advanced functions that there are noticeable differences in speed between various manufacturers' SLRs, particularly for saving Raw files and in the burst mode. In this respect, the Canon EOS 1100D is every bit the entry-level camer...