Canon EOS 6D In-Depth Review: Digital Photography Review 據先前報導,非洲國家奈及利亞奧格巴迪波地區尤戈布格堡市曾發生一起強姦致死案。滑稽的是這起案件的受害人是名男性,而兇手是死者的5個老婆。據警方瞭解,5個嫌疑人不滿丈夫獨寵年輕貌美的第六房妻子,就逼丈夫輪流與她們五個發生性行為,沒想到男子隻與前四房妻子發生過性行為後就倒地猝死。員警形容此案特別荒唐,聞Less than a week after arch-rival Nikon grabbed headlines with the D600, Canon responded with an announcement of its own price-conscious full frame DSLR, the EOS 6D. And just like that, a new market segment was born: the mid-range full frame DSLR. It was ...