225匹國產性能跑房!Luxgen S5 GT GT225
Canon EOS 7D Mark II in 2014 [CR2] « Canon Rumors●225匹馬力1.8L Turbo引擎 ●導入12吋多功能HD觸控螢幕 ●搭載Luxgen Link+智聯網系統 ●國內上市時間:5月13日 ●新車售價:69.9~89.9萬元 繼4月份公佈預售價格之後,納智捷於5月13日正式發表全新改款S5 GT/S5GT225,販售車型則有別於之前預售時的7Lots of talk There is lots of talk about the successor to the Canon EOS 7D. For the last 6 months we have written that the EOS 70D would move up rung in features in the EOS lineup, as such the EOS 7D Mark II will be doing the same thing. We’re told two .....