Canon EOS 7D Mark II in 2014 [CR2] « Canon Rumors 今天要介紹的這個小哥,名叫Gilbert Ott, 來自美國的Gilbert 是一個著名的旅行博主,擁有自己的旅遊網站和成千上萬的追隨者。 因為工作需要,他每年都在全世界各地飛來飛去,並且大部分時候,坐的都是頭等艙商務艙, 所以在他的ins上,經常會看到這Lots of talk There is lots of talk about the successor to the Canon EOS 7D. For the last 6 months we have written that the EOS 70D would move up rung in features in the EOS lineup, as such the EOS 7D Mark II will be doing the same thing. We’re told two .....