揭秘農村鬧洞房二十八式 這些真的很糟糕!
Canon EOS 7D Mark II in 2014 [CR2] « Canon Rumors 第一招:如數家珍 結婚當天,新娘衣著單薄,鬧洞時,賓客可以想法子讓新人互玩划拳遊戲,輸一拳即褪去身上衣物或手飾一件,直到??不能再褪了為止。 第二招: 高跟杯酒 慫恿新娘讓新郎為了表示對她愛意深深,想法子讓他用高跟鞋,連喝三杯。 第三招: 圓桌武士 讓新郎新娘拿凳子坐到桌面上,共飲同Lots of talk There is lots of talk about the successor to the Canon EOS 7D. For the last 6 months we have written that the EOS 70D would move up rung in features in the EOS lineup, as such the EOS 7D Mark II will be doing the same thing. We’re told two .....