canon eos m price

Canon EOS M 規格與相機介紹 | ePrice 比價王 難道樹也有發情期!?  自從 2008 年無反光鏡機種初試啼聲,到如今在市場上大放異彩,許多玩家們仍殷殷企盼市場龍頭 Canon 何時將進軍這塊嶄新又充滿魅力的領域。而 EOS M 無反光鏡系統終於宣告 EOS 新時代的來臨。EOS M 系統由於省略光學觀景窗和反光鏡構造,因此在大家最 ......


Canon EOS-M - DSLR 數碼單鏡反光相機 - 相機 - 攝影 - 香港格價網 公路上不要玩疊羅漢拉!!!EOS M 18-55mm 黑/白 $2380 行貨促銷 送16GB卡 請先致電查詢產品貨存 電話:56463387/56463587 WHATSAPP:56463387 微信ID:roysing1988 FACEBOOK專頁: 店舖地址:九龍旺角彌敦道608號CHIC之堡商場237號鋪 營業時間 ......


Canon EOS 5D Mark III - DSLR 數碼單鏡反光相機 - 相機 - 攝影 - 香港格價網   今天不用上班,很爽喔!像素: 2340萬像素, 感光元件: 36 x 24 mm, 焦距轉換: 1.0, 儲存媒體: Compact Flash Type I , SD/SDHC/SDXC, 熒幕: 3.2英寸, 淨機身重量: 950g, 尺寸: 152 x 116 x 76 mm【水貨參考價 $19,410】 《香港格價網》...


Canon EOS M - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 開工啦!Canon EOS M is the first mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera produced by Canon. DPReview noted that the EOS M is effectively a miniature version of the Canon EOS 650D, which was introduced in June 2012, with a simpler physical interface.[1] The letter ...


Canon EOS M hands-on preview: Digital Photography Review再來一杯拉~~The EOS M's commitment to simplicity is reflected by its physical control layout, with buttons and dials kept to a minimum. The exposure mode dial - a staple of Canon's EOS range for over 20 years - has been reduced to just three positions, distinctly rem...
