Canon FD lens mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia今年夏天台灣的氣溫又創新高了,走在路上看到人手一杯手搖茶,我看的很害怕,因為我知道原料可能有哪些問題。如有不肖廠商,其實每一口喝的,都不是茶,而是可怕的毒藥。 我是【茶笑怡】的創辦人,我從小喝茶喝到大,基於對茶葉的熱情,一頭栽入這個產業,創立自己的品牌。為了催生自己的產品,我四處拜訪茶農、茶莊、茶廠The Canon FD lens mount is a physical standard for connecting a photographic lens to a 35mm single-lens reflex camera body. The standard was developed by Canon of Japan and was introduced in March 1971 with the Canon F-1 camera. It served as the Canon SLR...