Canon FD lens mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 有人問,分離的時候,到底是離開的那個人比較痛苦,還是留下來的那個人比較痛苦?應該說,愛得最深的那個人比較痛苦。一雙情侶,其中一方要單獨出門,這種短暫的分離,必然是留下來的那個比離開的那個痛苦。在外面的那個人,忙著遊玩或忙著工作,多姿多采, 留下來的那個人,卻要獨自面對孤獨。那一刻, 他才The Canon FD lens mount is a physical standard for connecting a photographic lens to a 35mm single-lens reflex camera body. The standard was developed by Canon of Japan and was introduced in March 1971 with the Canon F-1 camera. It served as the Canon SLR...