Canon U.S.A. : Consumer & Home Office : PowerShot Cameras 你的視力好不好? 測一測就知道啦~ 天天看手機真的很傷眼, 測出來視力不夠好的小伙伴要當心啦! 近視測試 本文由卡娃微卡旗下甜甜的生活手札出品; 仔細看這張條紋圖,絕對神奇! 近視的人能看到一個戴眼鏡、齊耳短髮的女人, 不近視的只能看到豎條, 視力超凡的人還能Canon's point-and-shoot Digital ELPH Cameras are easy to use and boast an array of helpful shooting modes, creative features and advanced functions in an incredibly ... You'll quickly discover that the easiest way to capture a great image is to simply "po...