canon g12 nikon p7100

Nikon COOLPIX P7100 實現三轉盤的操控優勢 - Mobile01 本站新聞 笑到差一點岔氣了....每個品牌幾乎都有一台DC被定位為旗艦機,Nikon當然也不例外!去年P7000和Canon G12捉... ... 夜間實拍。 N家的變形控制我第一次是在DSLR上見識到的,抑制的成效相當不錯,所以每次有這功能的話我都會將它打開。...


Canon G1x vs. Nikon V1 vs. Nikon P7100 DxOMark comparison | Nikon Rumors 只能說....太好笑了DxOMark just published their test results of the Canon PowerShot G1x compact camera. Here is a quick DxOMark style comparison with the Nikon V1 and the Coolpix P7100. The D1x has almost two times better low light ISO performance than the V1, dynamic ......


Ron Martinsen's Photography Blog: COMPARISON: Nikon 1 V1, Fuji x10, & Canon s100 (plus Fuji x100 and 這一切,只是個開始Ron Martinsen said... Hi Chris, Thanks for your comment about the P7100. To be honest I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. There's so many cameras in this class that I've only focused on the ones that are getting the most buzz from the people in my c...


人生臻風景: 類單眼→數位單眼入門機種選購建議 - yam天空部落   哪個超市店員這麼閒啊? 髮型還能變化多端!(三)數位單眼:Canon 550D或600D、Nikon D3100或D5100、SONY α35或α55 這裡就類單眼→數位單眼推薦幾款普遍獲得不錯的評價(偏向入門)的機種給大家參考 不過因為新機持續推陳出新,現在的明星產品隨時都可能被淘汰...
