這才叫神回覆!他收到詐騙簡訊 結果反而把對方給逼瘋了
Canon G17 « NEW CAMERA 常收到詐騙簡訊的你,下次收到詐騙簡訊別再急著把它刪掉啦!透過這篇文章,你看看高手們都是怎麼回覆詐騙集團簡訊的,下次就換你給詐騙集團一番狠狠又爆笑的教訓! 詐騙集團: 「嗨!我是Harris,我是財富 500 集團的代表。我想提供一個讓你在家中就能輕鬆月賺 US5,000 的機會!如果你對此感興趣,The scheduled announcement period of Canon G17 is already passed, yes we do have a G7X camera and its core specification look similar to rumored Canon G17 leaked specification published on March 2014, and surprisingly the size and shape look similar to a ...