The Best Budget Flatbed Scanner Is the Canon CanoScan LiDE 210 | The Wirecutter ▲男友故意在自己媽媽面前捉弄女友,最後男友媽媽反應讓大家噴笑。(source:youtube,下同) 美國人的惡作劇沒有最狂,只有更狂!有一名名叫Hammy的Youtuber竟想出一個壞到不行的整人招數:逼女友穿震動小褲褲出門,接著故意邀請自己的媽媽與女友同行去郊遊,最後在車子上狂按4/5, "The Canon CanoScan LiDE 210 is one of the smallest flatbed scanners I've ever reviewed. Don't be fooled by its size, though; the LiDE 210 offers a lot of functionality and convenience in a small footprint--and with a small price as well. It feels a ...