canon powershot g15 g16 comparison : Canon PowerShot G16 12.1 MP CMOS Digital Camera with 5x Optical Zoom and 1080p Full-HD 有一次我朋友的姐姐去麥當勞應徵工讀生,隔日..收到通知已被入取,她那時候高興不已的大聲狂笑星期日是她第一次上班,一到那邊其他工讀生利用工作的時間順便教她先做一些雜事,過了幾天後,她看大家都會處理一些漢堡薯條可樂等事情她就很高興的跑去問那天當班的經理,說請問可以教我做漢堡嗎??但那當班經理一付不削的臉The Canon PowerShot G16 Compact Digital Camera, with built-in Wi-Fi, is an advanced point-and-shoot camera featuring a 12.1 megapixel 1/1.7" high-sensitivity CMOS sensor and DIGIC 6 image processor to produce high quality still imagery and full HD 1080p v...


Canon PowerShot G15 vs G16 - Our Analysis為人民服務 為人民服務的越來越少了,為人民幣服務的越來越多了; 挽著奶奶過馬路的越來越少了,挽著二奶過馬路的越來越多了; 日記裏寫幫過幾次忙的越來越少了,日記裏寫上過幾次床的越來越多了! 以前是紅米飯南瓜湯,老婆一個,孩子一幫。現如今是白米飯王八湯,孩子一個,Snapsort compares the Canon PowerShot G15 vs the Canon G16 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: supports 24p, overall image quality, panorama and low ......


Canon PowerShot G15 Quick Review: Digital Photography Review有一位德州佬到澳洲農場玩,農場主人很自豪的帶他參觀麥田,德州佬囂張的說『我們德州最小的麥田都比你的大四倍!』農場主人又帶他看牛群,德州老又很囂張的說『我們德州的羊還比你們的牛大一倍!』這時有一群袋鼠經過,德州佬看的眼球都快要掉出來,口中無語。這時農夫很囂張的說『你們德州沒有這樣大的草蜢吧?』有一個小I got myself one of these 3 months ago at a store sale. They were making room for G16 so the price was lowered to less than EUR300 (a bargain, compared to G16's EUR430). I had thrashed my old Canon P&S just two days prior so I was in the market for an ......


Ron Martinsen's Photography Blog: REVIEW: Canon PowerShot G16–The Best G Series Yet? (G15, s120 & Fu男孩和女孩終於結婚了,好久賓客們才走。兩人在床上聊了好久,熄燈前,男孩一本正經的說:我可以答應你任何事,但你也必須答應我一件事。女孩柔聲道:你先說來聽聽。男孩欲言又止。過了一會兒,男的說:你什麼都可以碰,但床下的小白箱你要發誓永遠都不許打開。女孩心中一緊,難道他有什麼瞞著我?不對啊,他工資卡,銀行卡Canon PowerShot G16 Point-and-Shoot Camera The Canon G12 was my favorite G series camera with great features like an ISO wheel and articulating display. However, between the release of the G12 & G15 I found a new love – the Fujifilm X10 and moved away ......


Canon PowerShot G16 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news那天在台北橋要往三重新莊的橋下那邊在路邊吃自助餐看到五、六台改裝機車 (尤其快到三重 好多改裝的小混混)那些機車青少年 染髮 嚼檳榔 還有穿無袖上衣 露出手臂的刺青圍著一個歐巴桑 但是路上很吵都是車子 聽不清楚他們說什麼用眼睛看到的是 五、六個青少年圍著一個騎菜籃機車的歐巴桑五、六個人很生氣的比手畫While the Canon PowerShot G16 is better than the G15 and remains a nice enthusiast compact, its low-light photo quality disappoints for the money. - Page 1 ... Like many competitors, the G15 clips highlights, though you can tweak your settings for more op...


Canon PowerShot G15: Digital Photography Review在下就是從十軍團某機步旅退伍的(十軍團很像也只有一個機步旅)去年也很幸運的 參加了救災第一天地點是台中某駐地附近的學校隔天是南投的雞舍晚上就是睡在別人的辦公室~桌上地上都可以睡雞舍那幾天真的超噁心到處都是死雞 死雞!死雞!而且太陽超大!雞腐爛的很快非常臭很多弟兄都吐了晚上累了就睡洗澡沒得洗救災了三天The Canon Powershot G15 is a well-refined product and a joy to use. It is very quick and responsive in operation, built like a tank and offers the most external controls in its class. In combination with the fast 28-140mm F1.8-2.8 lens that makes it a ver...
