Canon PowerShot S95 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 是喵妹的錯覺嗎?總覺得最近動漫改編成日劇的作品特別多… (雖然這個最近講了好久….) 對於動漫作品改編成真人版真的是繼期待又怕受傷害 如果成功的翻拍成真人版之後,要再翻拍一次…. 感覺好像有種印象錯亂的感覺! 最近The Canon PowerShot S95 is a high-end 10.0-megapixel compact digital camera announced and released in 2010. It was designed as the successor to the Canon PowerShot S90 in the S series of the Canon PowerShot line of cameras. This model is considered high-e...