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Canon PowerShot SX20 IS | Canon Online Store 不知道從甚麼時候開始丹寧褲已經變成全球時尚潮流穿搭單品中,人人都不能缺少的一件重要單品,從牛仔褲的洗色、舊化、破損、重補,各項都有人專門研究收藏,今年來到牛仔褲之王-Lee 125週年慶,Lee Jeans再度重新推出叱吒當年的經典品項101+系列,加上+的記號,代表著歷經125年的淬鍊後,又有許Just set the Canon PowerShot SX20 IS to Smart AUTO and you're ready for maximum enjoyment from your picture taking every time. It's a relaxing and satisfying way to shoot because you can completely concentrate on your subject knowing that the camera ......